
Initiate Value Creation Across All Industries

All companies are now digital. It’s true in finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and every other sector. Tapping into technology is critical — and fundamental — in driving growth across all industries.

Digital transformation is required not only to thrive, but to survive.

Talk with a PIP Advisor

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Simplify care delivery, improve the patient experience, and interconnect healthcare practices with technology at the forefront.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Get an outside perspective into technology providers and developers, ensuring their people, processes, and technology are aligned to growth.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Retail & Hospitality

Make omnichannel customer experiences and ecommerce interactions simple, using data and technology to acquire, serve, and retain customers.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Business Services & Finance

Unravel complex processes, unleash technology to create efficiency and pragmatically address business functionality and revenue demands.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Create sustainable and innovative value creation opportunities in K-12 and post-secondary education institutions through technology.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Manufacturing, Distribution & Logistics

Use technology to improve supply chain logistics and data visualization. Assess and improve processes to identify low-risk, high-return investments.

Featured Clients

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Performance Improvement Partners | Industries
Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Value Creation Is Our Specialization.

Technology powers every industry. 

By narrowing in on the critical nature of technology in creating value for our clients, Performance Improvement Partners provides far-reaching capabilities that address the intrinsic people, processes, and technology-driven needs of every business.

We go wherever technology goes — and that’s everywhere.

Finding Value Opportunities In Every Industry PE Touches

Explore PIP’s partnerships with businesses in a range of industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and professional services.

View All Case Studies

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Industry: Technology
Service: Due Diligence

PIP performed a quick turn, comprehensive due diligence of the portfolio company’s proprietary platform as a service (PaaS) to assess capabilities and whether the platform complied with HIPAA regulations.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Industry: Insurance
Service: Divestitures

Cornell Capital needed a Private Equity technology partner ready to hit the ground running — and manage a complex infrastructure and service delivery challenge for its newest portfolio investment, Talcott Resolution.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Industry: Retail
Service: Enterprise Apps

The client engaged PIP to turn around an enterprise-wide implementation deemed mission-critical by the CEO. The company’s recent deployment of Oracle ERP and WMS applications needed immediate resolution.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Industry: Manufacturing
Service: Cybersecurity

After an initial attempt to internally contain the incident, the manufacturer reached out to PIP to form an incident response team and mitigate additional cyber attack damages.

Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

“Performance Improvement Partners consistently provides us with IT experts and practitioners who contribute to our team in meaningful ways. Management and consultants listen to our needs, identify the root cause of challenges, and deliver practical solutions that have a significant impact on the business.”

John J. Ling

CEO | MacKenzie-Childs

The Critical Value Lever PE Firms Need

Technology is the tool your team needs to identify, organize, and draw insights to inform value creation decisions at every stage of the ownership lifecycle.

Use technology to outsize outcomes across all industries. Harness data to uncover opportunities that further growth potential, driving top line growth and bottom line profitability.

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Performance Improvement Partners | Industries

Stay Informed With PIP

Explore insights you can apply across industries and start transforming your portfolio with technology today.

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Inhouse Software Development: Friend or Foe?

Proprietary Software Development can be a Significant Asset or can Impede Growth and Agility. Here are some signs we look for when we look under the Hood of a Software Engine. […]

Partner with PIP. Create Portfolio Value.

Pull the technology lever no matter what industry you’re in — and initiate digital transformation.

Talk To PIP Today