Technology Implementation, Support & Maintenance

Data & Analytics

Better data equals better decisions — and better decisions drive value creation.

Make Better Decisions Faster With Data & Analytics For Private Equity

Data is your most important asset. But collecting, analyzing, and drawing insights from data is complex.

Bridge the gap between data and insight — and achieve profitable growth — with data and analytics for Private Equity firms and their portfolio companies.

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Make Data-Driven Business Decisions

Forecast growth with data. Identify savings, reduce OpEx, and uncover high potential offerings by improving your ability to identify, analyze, and synthesize data.

Improve Performance With Data Integrity

When every decision — from finance to marketing — relies on data, the quality of that data matters. Take action informed by trusted data and achieve next-level performance.

Harness Data and Achieve Operational Excellence

When employees have access to the right data, they are empowered to make better decisions at every level of the business — improving productivity, collaboration, and efficiency for all.

Maximize Existing Assets to Identify Portfolio Opportunities

Your data is a lever waiting to be pulled — don’t let it go untapped. Recognize opportunities portfolio-wide and outsize outcomes with data analytics for Private Equity.

Bytes of Data Created Every Day


Bytes of Data Created Every Day

Leverage Data & Analytics For Private Equity

Activate data to achieve value creation.

When you harness the power of data and analytics for Private Equity, you get insights to increase sales, create operational efficiencies, and enhance the experience for both customers and employees.

Profitable Growth

Insight-driven businesses are growing an average of 30% each year. Leverage Analytics & Reporting to drive innovation and value creation for customers and the balance sheet.


Better Customer Experience

With better data in hand, organizations better understand customers and their demands. By personalizing and automating the customer journey, you drive more leads, better omnichannel experiences, and, in turn, more revenue.

Increased Productivity

Make better use of the resources you have. Streamline workflows with Data Architecture processes to capture, transform, and deliver data pipelines to serve business needs.

Rapid, Data-Driven Decisions

Leverage Business Intelligence & Reporting to improve collaborative, real-time decision-making — activating the power of analytics for Private Equity and portfolio companies.


Better Data Security & Quality

Use Data Warehouses to secure your data, improve access and integration, save time, and streamline the flow of information across the business.

Cross-Operation Integrations

Minimize disruptions to workflows and improve collaboration by integrating people, processes, and technology with Data Analytics Operating Model Implementation.

Operational Excellence

Add a custom-built Artificial Intelligence layer to your applications to derive improved insights, increase efficiency, and maximize outcomes.

Performance Improvement Partners | Data & Analytics

“My 10 years of partnership with Performance Improvement Partners has led to significant value creation across our portfolio. Their approach is both sophisticated and pragmatic, resulting in over a dozen successful enterprise system implementations. Our portfolio companies have nothing but good things to say about PIP, which we too have witnessed in their strong operational and technical expertise.”

Scot Duncan

Partner | MiddleGround Capital

Protect Data. Protect Your Reputation.

When you lose control of your data, the risk is more than a lost opportunity.

The data within your organization doesn’t just hold value for you. Poorly managed data becomes an opportunity for bad actors who seek to obtain it for a variety of purposes. From ransomware to black market sales, cyber criminals will leverage your mission-critical data for their own benefit.

The internal processes built into your data governance model are imperative for not just maximizing data, but ensuring the protection of your business, customers, and employees. By knowing what data you have, where it is, and how it is accessed, you not only improve your ability to derive insights and drive value creation; you also protect it from malicious entities.

Find Out More About Securing Data

Performance Improvement Partners | Data & Analytics
Performance Improvement Partners | Data & Analytics

Evolve With Data & Analytics For Private Equity

Find out what you don’t know. Build a digital strategy powered by data today.

Start maximizing value creation by discovering how data and analytics for Private Equity fits into your strategic roadmap.

At PIP, our offerings align with the ownership lifecycle. Whether you’re starting with due diligence or are ready to envision your value creation roadmap, the team at PIP helps you identify, organize, analyze, and leverage your organization’s data to deliver value — every step of the way.

Start the Conversation

A Proven Team of Data & Analytics Experts

At PIP, data is at the center of designing and delivering pragmatic technology solutions. We meld technical expertise with decades of C-Suite experience, using qualitative and quantitative data to give you the best-fit recommendations.

Meet PIP

Pragmatic Approach

We align your value creation goals with practical data and analytics for Private Equity solutions. From short-term projects that build momentum to advanced AI driven big data networks, we provide solutions tailored to the needs and goals of your business.

Insight-Driven Strategy

Build a value creation roadmap driven by digital utilizing deep data and analytics expertise. Have confidence in every decision you make with the context and wisdom that can only come from data.

Mid-Market Focus

Get enterprise-grade solutions and insights without the unreasonable price tag. We help you create value by molding enterprise solutions for mid-market Private Equity firms and portfolio companies.


Of Businesses Need To Manage Unstructured Data

Trillion Lost To Bad Data Every Year

Times More Likely A Data-Driven Business Acquires New Customers


Profit Increase When Businesses Use Big Data

Read The Latest On Data & Analytics for Private Equity

Explore the latest insights and start using data and analytics to drive performance.

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Inhouse Software Development: Friend or Foe?

Proprietary Software Development can be a Significant Asset or can Impede Growth and Agility. Here are some signs we look for when we look under the Hood of a Software Engine. […]

Drive Insights. Drive Value. Use Data.

Leverage your organization’s most underutilized asset and start adding value today.

Talk to a PIP Advisor